Putin’ down more leaders

Last updated: Jan 30th, 2019

Throughout my stay in Moscow and St Petersburg I have noticed a few things about people’s attitudes towards current and former Russian leaders.

First of all a bit about Vladimir Putin. Bringing the Winter Olympics to Sochi has increased Putin’s popularity among many people in Russia, despite the controversial costs of the Olympics games and the apparent corruption that it has bought.

Putin had also stabilised Russia from the dark days of the 1990s where crime and corruption was rife. Putin seems to be popular among Russian people and has taken russia on a journey to economic success
Lenin remains popular. There is a lot of hype over Lenin and they have recognised that he was the one to lead Russia into a new era. Lenin’s statue has roses on it which suggests he is still in their memory.
Other leaders such as stalin, his popularity is difficult to recognise as it is complicated. He is known as a repressive leader but he managed to lead Russia to victory in the great patriotic war.