Hot dip in the river

Last updated: Jan 30th, 2019

We started the day once again at 9 o’clock and set off on an hour and a half bus journey to a small mall with information on an earthquake. At the earthquake centre we experienced a 6.3 magnitude earthquake in a small simulator. Once all of us had been thoroughly shaken we caught the bus up to the start of a forty five minute walk that took us past bubbling mud pools and fumaroles, but at the end of the rain and wind swept walk we reached the objective, a hot river! We all got in and the river was so very hot we could no longer feel the freezing rain and cutting wind. After we spent an hour in what could only be described as hot heaven we pulled on our soaking cold clothes and started our journey back, doing it in half the time! After we were all on the bus we went past the small mall and Mr Turnbull bought us all a hot chocolate and a cake. Then we were given the chance to go and look around the shopping mall and stock up on food. After this we headed back to the hostel for film night.

Liam and Sam


