Quite frankly, where do we begin? This is a topic we love talking about!
When a school decides to integrate a ski trip into their academic calendar it’s because they know this will be pretty much be a once in a lifetime experience for most of their students!
For most schools the planning of a ski trip begins some 12-18 months in advance to allow parents to pay for their child’s place in instalments – the anticipation and build up to the ski trip begins right there. In most schools getting the numbers required to run the trip isn’t a problem – it’s a life experience most parents are eager to give their child!
So apart from its natural lure what other benefits are there?
Learning a new skill
Many families prefer summer sun as their annual holiday, rather than the lure of skiing and snow. So the opportunity for their child to join the school ski trip provides a great chance for them to experience something new and learn to ski! Many young people get the bug at this point and choose to continue travelling and skiing in their adult years!
Experience new cultures
All skiing destinations and resorts come with their own unique personality and culture. Whether it’s the laid back nature of the Italians or vibrant nature of the Americans, students will return with a real appreciation of the culture of the country they have travelled to. This is real life lesson as they experience the diverse nature of the food, landscape and residents who live here.
Building Confidence
Putting a pair of skis on for the first time can be a daunting thought. Will I be able to stand up, what happens if I fall down, will I make a fool of myself, will I be able to get on and off the ski lift, will I have all the right clothes and equipment? Questions that will have to be quickly overcome on a school ski trip. A student should feel immensely proud following a school ski trip; no matter what level they have skied at – they are very aware of their achievements! It provides a real boost to their confidence and greater belief in their own ability.
“The highlight of the trip was seeing pupil’s improvement, achievement and enjoyment of skiing…this was the overwhelming feedback from the pupils!” Elisa Morris, Oakhill School, Italy
Nurturing Independence
On a school ski trip a student has no option but to be more independent than they would normally be at home or in school! Managing their own money, venturing into a new resort or nearby town unsupervised and ensuring they have all the necessary clothes and equipment for a day’s skiing. This independence provides them with a taste of adult life!
Improvement of teacher pupil relationships
Many teachers report that their teacher/pupil relationship improves 10 fold whilst out on a ski trip – both parties get to know each other more and in turn this builds trust. This improved relationship is then taken back to the classroom and continues to benefit learning.
Improved Health and Fitness
For anyone who has skied before you know that muscles are discovered in your body that you never knew existed before. It’s a full on day of exercise as you ski all day, topped off with après activities at night! Your muscles are strengthened, your heart rate increases and there is no doubt that sleep comes very easily at night! Students definitely return home fitter! Strength is improved in body and mind!
Learning the lingo!
Want to pick up a few key phrases in another language or put to use some of the language learnt in the classroom! It goes without saying a ski trip provides a great opportunity for students to use the language of the destination they are travelling to!
“The highlight of the trip was seeing the students enjoy their skiing and achieving something they had never done before!” Miss Gemma Bates, Casterton Business and Enterprise College, Italy
The list goes on – but if you needed convincing or reminding we think our blog does the trick!