Valletta, Malta – European Capital of Culture 2018

Last updated: Jun 5th, 2024

Valletta was declared European Capital of Culture (ECoC) on the 12th October 2012. The Valletta 2018 Foundation has been charge of implementing the project to ensure that Malta receives the benefits of this title. The city will be hosting the title of European Capital of Culture in 2018 with a partner Dutch city, Leeuwarden. It is an excellent opportunity for regenerating cities, boosting tourism and breathing new life into the city’s culture. Many events and projects have been organised with various local and international communities.

Valletta’s Mayor, Alexiei Dingli, says “Valletta is a mirror which reflects our common European heritage, a canvas which lends its spaces to showcase the diverse European identity, a city which respects its past while embracing its European future”.

Previous countries that have been declared ECoC over the years have shown that the event is an excellent opportunity for regenerating cities, boosting tourism, raising the international profile of cities and breathing new life into the city’s culture.

Research is conducted every year to evaluate the impact of the project, the Valletta 2018 have found that the title of European Capital of Culture has already has a positive influence on the country with an increase in tourism, becoming associated with a stronger sense of European identity and with creative industries experiencing noteworthy increase in terms of both employment and economic return on investment.



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