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The Perfect Insurance Plan for You
To make sure you've covered for the unexpected on your trip, we chatted to the people in the know about keeping your tour insured.

How to get decision makers on board with your school trip
The first hurdle when planning a school trip is getting the go ahead from the decision makers at your school – and we know this can sometimes be a long process. So to help you out (because we know...

The resilience of our children in unprecedented times
On the 20th March 2020, I sat penning this article as our world entered a period of unprecedented change, as the COVID-19 virus threatened to interrupt all areas of our day to day lives. Even now,...

Getting multiple quotes for a school trip – why the cheapest isn’t always the best!
You’ve taken on the task of planning your school’s next trip abroad, and the first step is to gather several quotes for comparison. When faced with a mountain of documents and information, how on...

Top Tips for the Last Post Ceremony
For many school groups visiting the First World War battlefields, witnessing the Last Post Ceremony and perhaps participating in a wreath laying is an essential part of the experience. At the end of...

Top 8 ideas to fundraise for a school trip abroad
Keen to get out the classroom and take your students on an unforgettable school trip abroad? Start the fun early and get your students involved in some fundraising activities to help pay for the...

Former Olympian Greg Whyte shares his sports motivation advice
This week we were lucky enough to secure a ticket for an audience with Sport Scientist and former Olympian, Prof. Greg Whyte, at Derby County Football Club. Designed to inspire those taking part in...

6 secrets to running the best geography trip
Most teachers, over the course of their career, will have the chance to whisk their students away on an educational whirlwind, affectionately known as a school trip. Taking your students out of the...

How parents help their children cope with school trip anxiety
1. Home Comforts “I tell my teenage son to take something to remind him of home like a photograph. For my younger daughter, I’d pack a comfort blanket or cuddly toy.” Dawn, Mum of 2,...

Tour Operator vs. Do It Yourself
So, you’re looking to book a school trip but you’re unsure whether it’s better to do it yourself or book through a tour operator? Well, if money is your biggest concern then yes, doing all of...