Save Our Subjects: Where Did All Our Arts Go?

Last updated: Jun 28th, 2023

But where have they gone – where are the arts, design & technology and creative subjects in general going? And how is the Save our Subjects campaign helping bring those areas back into the spotlight?

Find out below.

What is #SaveOurSubjects?

Co-led by the Independent Society of Musicians and the Edge Foundation and backed by a vast array of creatively inspired organisations, #SaveOurSubjects is a ‘campaign for broadening the curriculum’.

Subjects included in the EBacc steer away from creative subjects. Couple that with Progress 8 and subjects like art, music, design & technology are disappearing and under-funded.

What is the English Baccalaureate?

Shortened to EBacc, it’s a governmental performance measure for schools including the following subjects:

  • Maths
  • A language
  • The sciences
  • Geography and history
  • English language and literature

Secondary schools are reviewed on how many students take these GCSEs as well as how well those same students perform in them. For performance league tables and funding, it pays for schools to teach these subjects more than the arts.


What is Progress 8?

It’s another performance measure for schools.

Metrics include how well students perform across 8 subjects, which are English, mathematics, three other EBacc subjects (sciences, computer science, geography, history and languages) and three further subjects – which can be chosen from the English Baccalaureate.

Set out to encourage a broad and balanced curriculum, because of the priority EBacc subjects enjoy, it means there might be only 2 chances for non-EBacc subjects to be chosen by students.


What Skills do the Arts, Design & Technology and Creative Subjects provide?

Communication, critical thinking and problem-solving skills are a few – here’s the list from the Save our Subjects site:

  • Develops rounded learners
  • Impacts positively on health & wellbeing
  • Plays a huge role in future employment
  • Is a major part of the UK economy


Why Are We Supporting #SaveOurSubjects?

As a touring operator who craft a whole host of educational, fun and inspiring trips – music is a huge part of our catalogue.

With musicians and singers in our Concert team, we know how transformative music can be to your pupils. Not just as a musical skill, but in developing their social, academic and emotional toolkit too!

And couple that with the unforgettable memories music and concert tours can bring – we find ourselves cheering from the sidelines.

How Can You Help Support #SaveOurSubjects?

By signing the letter that the campaign is sending to Gillian Keegan, Secretary of State for Education.

Find it by clicking the button below.

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