Yorkshire Terriers RUFC: Australia & Hong Kong Tour

Last updated: Jun 4th, 2024

Saturday 25th July 2015: Touching down in Manchester
Thank you to Cathay Pacific who have been excellent in looking after our higher-than-average needs throughout the journey.  This is extended to Qantas who took us down from Brisbane to Melbourne on a code-share arrangement with Cathay.  At 07:00h GMT the squad landed in the UK and made the pilgrimage to York.  It’s been a wonderful three weeks and here’s a last message from our tour courier, Todd.

Friday 24th July 2015: The end is here
Well, we can’t speak for the team, but from our end it’s been an absolutely awesome journey. Watching the team go from strength to strength and come out on top in all five matches has to be the highlight. From slogging it out in the usual wet Yorkshire ground to battling against the Australian heat (particularly the second match), these lads have really proven themselves.

Coming together from all different areas, ages and experiences, the team have so worked hard to get where they are now. Through all the training, game analysis and attention to both individual and game improvement, these lads have constantly pushed themselves – and boy has it paid off! No doubt their huge success has made the tour that bit more enjoyable.


Of course visiting places like Australia Zoo, surfing in Surfers Paradise (would you believe it?) and exploring the streets of Hong Kong are once in a lifetime experiences that the team wouldn’t have had if it wasn’t for this tour.

There’s so much more to say that can only really be said by the Terriers themselves, but from Rayburn HQ it’s been incredible to follow them all. As their last day in Hong Kong, we hope they made the most of it. Tomorrow they bid Australia and Hong Kong goodbye and fly back to the UK. Until the next tour…

Thursday 23rd July 2015:  Living it up in Hong Kong
From Australia to Hong Kong, what a difference! For starters the food – fried pork intestine and deep fried oyster anyone? Unfortunately Hong Kong has followed in Melbourne’s footsteps with the weather, but even with the rain the Terriers aren’t letting it dampen their moods. They took to the streets of Hong Kong for some exploring (fashioning some pretty cool head gear – Karl Lagerfeld eat your heart out).

Not only that but the team celebrated the end of their time in Australia and Hong Kong with their end of tour dinner at Cafe Deco Bar & Grill. Daniel Grange took the award for Player of Tour and Felix Nellen was this year’s Young Player of Tour – alongside those impressive 5 wins there was plenty to celebrate! Last day in Hong Kong tomorrow, make the most of it Terriers.

End of tour dinner has begun #TerriersTour

A photo posted by Todd Bullions (@toddb_7) on

Player of tour Daniel Grange #TerriersTour

A photo posted by Todd Bullions (@toddb_7) on

Young player of tour Felix Nellen #TerriersTour

A photo posted by Todd Bullions (@toddb_7) on

Wednesday 22nd July 2015:  Ding, dong we’re all off to Hong Kong!
Well, the good news is that the boys all made the 0330h bus transfer to Melbourne Airport and arrived ahead of Cathay Pacific staff!  Medical gear checked in first by Todd, Ralph and the crew, although the paracetamols were kidnapped for those that may not have had as much sleep as others. Time for a few Bloody Marys and a large sausage sandwich ahead of the 11hr flight to Hong Kong where a fresh adventure awaits. Here’s a little something to leave with from last night’s changing room…

Tuesday 21st July 2015:  GAME DAY.  Melbourne Harlequins U20 v Yorkshire Terriers RUFC
Final score:  Melbourne Harlequins 0 – 68 Terriers.  Report to follow.

And they are off #TerriersTour

A video posted by Todd Bullions (@toddb_7) on

Confidence is high among the squad.  And why wouldn’t it be after 4 W’s on the bounce?  Australia are formidable in all sporting team codes with ingrained competitiveness seemingly de rigeur at birth. The prior weekend’s Tri Nations encounter was a sharp reminder of the Wallabies’ never-say-die attitude. Seemingly out of sight against the touring ‘boks, two late tries took the game by four points and left Brisbane’s Suncorp Stadium rattling. Terriers should be wary of the ‘Quins tonight. Tuesday night under lights will be a fitting encounter for the home side who will require every ounce of nous to fend off Yorkshire’s finest who have swatted all prior opponents aside. John Cole’s men must not, however, start dreaming too early about Wan Chai’s rooftop pool and Hong Kong Island. There’s a job to be done and the Terriers Committee will not rest easy should the manner in which they’ve approached every game since their 1987 inception be disturbed. Heads on lads. One last 80-minute effort and the stopover in Hong Kong will be all the sweeter.

Monday 20th July 2015: Final training day
The team were back on the pitch today training in preparation for tomorrow’s final match. They’ll be up against Melbourne Harlequins Colts and with four wins so far, the fifth is well and truly in sight. To come out on top in all five matches would really make this tour one to remember (and a reason for some serious celebrations!). COME ON TERRIERS!

Final session before match day 5 against Melbourne Harlequins #TerriersTour

A photo posted by Todd Bullions (@toddb_7) on

Team feed before tomorrow’s final game of tour #TerriersTour

A photo posted by Todd Bullions (@toddb_7) on

Catch up with Terriers Captain, Tom Coates, on day 13 (Thursday 16th July) for an update about their journey so far. Bit of difficulty with the camera at the end there, Todd?

Sunday 19th July 2015: Nothing like a bit of R&R
Just a bit of R&R to follow yesterday’s victory and a team day out at MCG watching Aussies Rules.

Team day out at MCG watching Aussie Rules #TerriersTour #MCG

A photo posted by Todd Bullions (@toddb_7) on

Saturday 18th July 2015:  GAME DAY.  Melbourne University vs Yorkshire Terriers RUFC
The run continues!  After acclimating to the chillier conditions of Victoria, The Terriers overcame league winners and grand finalists Melbourne University RUFC by ten points to record a 29-19 victory.  A penalty try, sandwiched by crosses from Rekin and Thompson, gained enough of a margin over the Uni to take the game beyond the hosts.  Bell’s kicking frustrated the home team and helped the Yorkshiremen gain momentum during the game.  A close one which will surely be mirrored on Tuesday night against Melbourne Harlequins: runners up in the league to the Uni and winners of the Grand Final against, you guessed it, the University.  Can the Terriers go 5 from 5?

Friday 17th July 2015: Melbourne Storm v Penrith Panthers match at AAMI Park
It made a change for the lads to watch a match than play in one today (with the exception of training). Tickets at the ready, they went to the AAMI Park to watch Melbourne Storm play against Penrith Panthers. Needless to say there was a lot of #PurplePride for Melbourne Storm in the stadium as they led the game 26-0 before half time, finally winning 52-10.

It was a fitting night for Melbourne Storm Captain, Cameron Smith, who has become the first player in in club history to play 300 NRL matches (wow) – hence the #CAM300. So this was a match the Terriers definitely did not want to miss! Inspirational much? We’re hoping this has made the lads feel revved up for tomorrow’s match against Melbourne University Colts. Go get ’em Terriers! 

Thursday 16th July 2015: It’s a little chilly here in Melbourne!
The Terriers have landed in not-so-sunny Melbourne to kick start phase two of the #TerriersTour. The tweet below from Med Team member Alicia says it all – a roaring fire in Australia? Crazy! Come on Melbourne, these lads are from Yorkshire, they don’t get much sun up there.

On the plus side, it looks like the weather will pick up (a bit) throughout the week.
melbourne weather Google Search

But it’s been a relaxing first day in Melbourne for the team to help them recharge for tomorrow’s training day, all in preparation for their penultimate match on Saturday. Can they get a fourth win under their belts? I think we know the answer to that. Wrap up warm lads! We await tomorrow’s updates.

Wednesday 15th July 2015:  Goodbye sunshine…hello Yorkshire weather!
The cream cheeks of the travelling Yorkshiremen have recently turned pink as the Gold Coast’s ray have shone favourably on our budding tourists.  Alas, Melbourne awaits with its recent rains and cold front heading over from Driffield and the like.

 We’ll be back tomorrow with further updates on phase 2 of Living with the Lions Terriers.

Tuesday 14th July 2015:  GAME DAY.  Palm Beach Alleygators RFC vs Yorkshire Terriers RUFC
The Terriers headed south to Palm Beach for their third and final game in Queensland.  The Palm Beach Alleygators had combined with the Gold Coast’s Cyclones regional team which also featured a few players from nearby Bond University.  Final preparations at the excellent Super Sports Centre had laid foundations for what the coaching staff hoped would be a hat trick of victories in sunny Surfers Paradise and the locality.

With an evening kick off under lights penciled in the locals were treated to an action packed match that stayed tight until the latter stages.  West Park Bramhope’s Jonny Giles settled early nerves with a score converted by his centre partner, Chris Lound.  Phil Town extended the lead to 12 points soon after although the lead remained short-lived as the hosts clawed a score back to stay within reach.  That clearly riled Charlie Cicero who stretched the margin further to establish a 17-5 half time margin.

The Alleygators clearly had the right words thrown at them during the interval by coming out blazing with an unconverted score soon after.  Sadly for the Aussies they were about to receive a second thumping in a week from the Brits as Lewis Bradley, James Wilkinson, Nick Cairns and a second from Town took the game beyond reach.  Final score:  Palm Beach Alleygators 10 – 43 Terriers.

In true rugby fashion the post-match lived up to its reputation as a unique bonding ground with Terriers maintaining Yorkshire traditions with victory in the all-important Boat Race.  Visit the Terriers’ Facebook page for exclusive footage!

Coach Cole talks us through 3/3 victories and what lays ahead
Captain Coates gives an insight into life behind the scenes on tour
Alan Warriner and Cloggie reveal their insights into why the Terriers are a traditional success on the pitch


Match day versus Cyclones U20/Alleygators RUFC. Team line-up as follows: 

1. Joe Fell Beverley
2. Lewis Bradley Huddersfield
3. Will Scholey Harrogate
4. James Wilkinson Pocklington
5. George Hedgley Darlington M.P.
6. Jonny Cole Old Brodleians
7. Joe Armitage Otley
8. Charlie Cirero Selby
9. Josh Walker Huddersfield
10. Danny Cole Old Brodleians
11. Charlie McCoy Selby
12. Chris Lound Hull
13. Jonny Giles West Park Bramhope
14. Phil Town Old Brodleians
15. Danny Wood Old Brodleians
16. Harry Newborn Driffield
17. Felix Nellen Driffield
18. Mike Jobling Hull
19. Harrison Dodds Driffield
20. Ben Sullivan Hull
21. Nick Cairns Tynedale
22. James Thompson Pocklington
23. Kristian Sharples Otley

Monday 13th July 2015
Back to the Super Sports Centre for final session on the Gold Coast ahead of tomorrow’s encounter with the Alleygators.


Final session ahead of Match Day 3 #TerriersTour

A photo posted by Todd Bullions (@toddb_7) on

Sunday 12th July 2015
After a night celebrating the second tour victory it’s time to see the sights.  The boys head to Dreamworld theme park and the late Steve Irwin’s Australia Zoo.

Saturday 11th July 2015:  GAME DAY.  Wests Bulldogs Colts vs Yorkshire Terriers RUFC
Another close game on Australia’s Gold Coast versus Brisbane’s Wests Bulldogs. Final score@  23-7 to Terriers.  Match report to follow.

Try scorers:
Rob Rekis
Ali Heard
Ollie Hodgson
Conversion x2 Chris Bell
Penalty x 1 Chris Bell


Friday 10th July 2015: Match#2 Prep
@ToddB_7 dialled in from sunny Brisbane this morning, reporting an air of positivity among the touring group.  A morning at the guys’ leisure before they descended on the Super Sports Centre for their final day of preparation ahead of match day 2. Lunch was swiftly followed by a video analysis highlighting the strengths from Wednesday’s game as well as the areas of improvement. The team the took to the field to practice what had been discussed.  Tonight see’s the team head out for a team feed, Ribs n Steak, resting up early before tomorrow’s 1330h game against West Bulldogs RFC in central Brisbane.

Thursday 9th July 2015:  R&R
Update from @ToddB_7:  An early rise after a late night for the boys as they celebrated Ben Sullivan’s 21st birthday (and opening tour victory, of course) before settling in to their post-match pool recovery.  The rest of the day was free for the boys to explore the Gold Coast & nearby Brisbane, with many opting for a round of golf at Palm Meadows. Happy Gilmore comes to mind!  A team feed and an early night is on the cards before the team’s training programme ramps back up tomorrow, looking ahead to Saturday’s game against Wests Bulldogs RFC.  We’re back at the Super Sports Centre for video analysis of the Pine River Boars game and continuing prep for Saturday’s 1330h fixture.

Match insight:

Terriers make use of hotel facilities for Team Meeting and usual strapping ahead of first game.  Emphasis on discipline and accuracy in attack with aggression in defence.  The boys board coach sporting their #StayStrongStu t-shirts, arriving to a great atmosphere at the Pine River Boars and a healthy crowd from the local community. BBQ’s on the go and plenty of ice cold XXXX beers on supply for the staff and supporters!

An intense warm up prepares the guys for the game, followed by a few last words of direction from head coach Cole.  The boys head out to the pitch sporting the White Rose, lead to the field by match day skipper Max Alderson.  Game opens with a tense first few minutes as the boys find the feet in the game.  First set piece shows the physicality of the Yorkshire pack as they drive their hosts back 10 metres from the first scrum! This is in stark contrast to the hosts who opt for a more open brand of rugby, influenced by the abundance of islanders in their team.

However the structure, speed and accuracy of the Yorkshiremen secures a solid footing in the game, despite the physical defence of the hosts.  Final score@  22-7 to Terriers.

Try scorers:
Charlie McCoy
Chris Lound
Danny Grange
Conversion x2 Daniel Wood
Penalty x 1 Chris Lound

Post match see’s Ralph Kester lead the team with their traditional Zulu war cry, followed by an abundance of beers and great hospitality from the hosting team. A great start to the playing side of the tour with the benchmark set for the next game.

Wednesday 8th July 2015:  GAME DAY.  Pine River Boars v Yorkshire Terriers RUFC

Team sheet announced for today’s game:


Good Luck Terriers

Good luck from everyone here at Rayburn Tours HQ for first tour fixture versus the Aussies! Updates to follow.

Tuesday 7th July 2015: Training


Hi guys, @ToddB_7 here reporting as Tour Rep from my penthouse hotel room in beautiful Surfers Paradise.  What a start to the tour!  Everything is running like clockwork and the boys are in great spirits.  Big thanks to Pullmans Coaches of York, Cathay Pacific airlines and Murray’s Coaches for delivering us to the front door of the Mantra Legends Hotel on the Gold Coast bang on time and with all baggage and senses of humour intact.

Last night’s Start of Tour Dinner was, ahem, a quiet one for all with everyone tucked up before turning into pumpkins.  With two excellent training sessions under our belts at the nearby Super Sports Centre it’s safe to say that we’ve acclimated, hydrated and adapted to our new surroundings.  Today I witnessed untold emotion among the squad after a group of players discovered a local restaurant that offered steak and chips for $10 (£5).  Naturally, the fries remained untouched as the protein made its way through their recovery systems in readiness for tomorrow’s tour opener in a small town north of Brisbane.  Fatigue’s kicked in and an early night is about to be had by all.  Keep tweeting using the hashtag #TerriersTour and click on our Facebook page for photos.  I will be sharing good luck messages with the team on the bus tomorrow.  Please email your messages through to Mark in the office (sport@rayburntours.com) for forwarding on to me here in Queensland.

Taking some time out after a manic few days! #TerriersTour #Brisbane

A photo posted by Todd Bullions (@toddb_7) on

Monday 6th July 2015:

UPDATE from Cloggie: The first few days have gone well – weather is warm and sunny – the beach is perhaps the greatest attraction so far!  The Start of Tour dinner was very pleasant with entertainment by Josh “Sinatra” Walker.  Training yesterday and today at the Sports Super Centre (and which incidentally is more than just super!!!) has shown great enthusiasm and much promise. Everyone is excited and looking forward to the first game tomorrow – kicking off 7.30pm local time!  Hoping for a positive outcome and an enjoyable match – regards from us all in Surfers Paradise.

Sunday 5th July 2015: Terriers arrive down under! 

They’ve landed! The Yorkshire Terriers set for the shores last Saturday 4th July, arriving in Hong Kong to make their way to Surfers Paradise in Queensland, Australia. G’day lads! Taking in the sights of Brisbane, Melbourne and Hong Kong, the U20s are ready for a truly unforgettable touring experience down under where they’ll face 22 days of rugby, sight-seeing and more rugby. Bring it on.

It wasn’t long before the squad were back out on the pitch, kicking things off with a training day in preparation for Wednesday’s match, followed by an evening tour dinner. You’ve got to keep these lads well fed, after all.

With five matches against high-grade Australian opposition lined up, it’s the perfect opportunity to showcase and develop the skills of these talented young rugby players. That’s what these tours are all about (not forgetting some down time off the pitch). We’ve got no doubt that they’ll live up to their motto, ‘Carpe Diem’, and quite literally ‘Seize the day’!

With their first match against the Pine River Boars RUFC just around the corner, the Terriers are set to show these Aussies just what they’re made of!


Keep up with all the latest news and updates about the #TerriersTour with our blog, Facebook and Twitter pages.