Crampons on and the first step onto the glacier!
After the challenge of securely fitting your crampons (and trust us when we say it’s a challenge!), it’s time to take the first steps onto the glacier.
At first, you may not realise you’re on the glacier due to black dirt covering the gleaming ice. The Mountain Guides find a safe place to stop to explain to you some of the history about the glacier, including how the eruption of Katla is responsible for the black ash that covers the glacier. Friendly and funny in their delivery, students listen in with awe and wonder!
As you wind your way slowly up the glacier, the incredible features that students will have learned about start to reveal themselves, such as crevasses.

A steady climb and then…”WOW”!
Steadily winding your way up the glacier, slowly getting used to the technique required to effectively walk in crampons, and then the world seemingly opens up right before your eyes. That true “wow” moment arrives and you feel like you’re standing on top of the world!
A large expanse of flat ice glistens before you and suddenly the scale of this magnificent glacier begins to become apparent. The true experience of standing on an actual glacier is here! Students’ senses are awakened. Touch the ice, feel the cold, see the scale, here the crunch of the ice – with the help of your guides, suddenly the theory comes to life!
If you’re lucky enough to climb on a clear day, the views are truly unbeatable! Below you, a large glacial lagoon, in front of you stunning views as far as the eye can see, and around you, endless planes of ice. If you want a school photo to sum up your Icelandic experience, then surely the top of Sólheimajökull is the place to do it?