
Nicky Astle, Rayburn Tours Marketing Manager, sits with History Tour Guides Trevor Booker and Tony Smith before a historic podcast

A Historic Podcast with 2 Excellent History Tour Guides!

It's here! Our FIRST ever podcast. And we made it even more historic by chatting to 2 brilliant History Tour Guides about all things history.
Trevor Booker poses in front of the Reichstag

Trevor Booker: The History Tour Guide Bringing the Past to Life

Really pack in the emotion, education and poignancy with your tour by including an History Tour Guide. Here we showcase one of the best!
History Tour Guide and students hold map of Western Front with Thiepval Memorial

Brilliant Things You Can Do to Enhance Your WW1 & WW2 History Tour

With a helping hand from 2 talented History Tour Guides, we've come up with brilliant things you can do to enhance your WW1 & WW2 History Tour.
History guide and pupils at Hooge Crater Museum, Ypres

Bringing History to Life: The Tools and Techniques Behind Our Successful Trips 

History is not just about the past, it’s also vital in understanding our present and forging our future! That’s why we offer immersive history trips that spark student’s curiosity, drive...

4 Subjects in 1! The Grammar School Nicosia’s Incredible International Trip to London

Art, law, politics, history and a HUGE dose of UK capital city culture all in one trip was discovered by the school from Cyprus...
Amazing scenery of mountains and trees with School Geography Trips to Switzerland

Alps, Banking & A Particle Accelerator: The 3 sides of Grammar School Nicosia’s Brilliant Swiss Adventure

3 subjects in 1 - geography, economics and physics - on a international trip like no other to Switzerland for the school from Nicosia!

Exploring Berlin History on foot and using public transport!

We recently travelled on a History Tour to Berlin with the students of Holy Cross School, accompanied by their History Tour Guide Trevor, to embark on a 4-day exploration of Berlin and all its key...
School group on a History Tour posing for a photo at the East Side Gallery in Berlin

Feedback from the students of Holy Cross School…

Being on tour, exploring Berlin with friends, learning of this beautiful capital city’s rich and varied past, can’t help but leave a long-lasting impression on a young person’s mind. Seeing...

Meeting with Mike from Insider Tour – Berlin

Exploring the art of bringing History to Life for our students   We recently travelled with Holy Cross School to Berlin, and thought we’d seize the opportunity to catch up with our good...

Lost or stolen passport while travelling abroad?

A simple step by step guide to applying for an Emergency Travel Document    The moment of realisation that you may have potentially lost or had your passport stolen while away is an unsettling...

Save Our Subjects: Where Did All Our Arts Go?

What can we do to build a brighter, creative future? Supporting the Save our Subjects campaign is a great start.
The Eden Project in Cornwall

What Makes Visiting the Eden Project on a School Trip so Good?

For education on geography, sustainability and much more, we asked what makes visiting the Eden Project on a school trip so good?